Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why do New Yorkers Walk so Fast?

The main reason is that unlike most other places in the US, most New Yorkers don't drive. This means that while in other cities people late for work might have road rage, in New York it's sidewalk rage. We can't honk in person so we're forced to sigh or grunt as we shove by a slow moving walker.

The other reason is that you are constantly bombarded by people asking for change, or with a story, or with a political issue that desperately needs your money. New Yorkers become reflexively defensive and guarded because of this. It would be exhausting to most people to have a conversation with everyone that asks for something. So instead, they just walk fast and ignore everyone.

So it makes sense that we all walk so fast around the city. But sometimes we do have to remind ourselves to break a breath, and smell the flowers...or rather the urine and trash.

Now Here's Today's:


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