Thursday, June 6, 2013

Can Men do Yoga?

I wouldn't call myself a Yogi. But the fact that I know that term shows you I've dabbled. The term Yogi refers to someone who is a student of Yoga. It's hard to take seriously an activity that takes its terms from a cartoon bear.

I think that Yoga is better suited for women because of one specific pose.
The Superman pose:

For men this pose is very problematic. There is no way to say this delicately so I'll just say it:
It crushes your penis. 
You lift your arms and legs and extend them so that all your weight is on your midsection. I'd say about 25% of my body weight ends up right on my family jewels.
So while this pose may be great for you ladies, this superman pose is not so great for my little supermen if you catch my drift. 

Yoga is basically stressful relaxation.
It's doing poses that are difficult but trying to stay relaxed while doing them. 
So as an inflexible, out of shape man, I face a dilemma. 
Do I not worry about doing the poses well and just stay in the relaxed spirit?
Or struggle hard to do the poses but lose any attempt at a zen like state?

Sometimes I can do both, and sometimes I can achieve neither. 
But I really feel that any activity has value if you put an effort into it. 
So Happy Yogaing everyone!

And for you Yoga teachers, if you see guys in your Yoga class, go easy with the Superman. 

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