Monday, June 10, 2013

What Kind of Tax will Everyone Pay?

I visited Costa Rica recently with my family and had a very mixed trip.
We survived the crazy jungles and animals and made it to the beach, where my mom was knocked over by a wave and got hurt. She's fine now but at the time it was scary and we were afraid she had a neck or spine injury. Again, she's fine now.

So you can imagine that when we made it to the Airport, we were eager to go.
And that's when we saw this:

Brilliant Costa Rica!
A tax to leave!
Literally you can't escape that crazy place unless you pay a tax.
Other countries need to try this. Cause people may grumble, but no one has ever decided to live in a foreign country because they stubbornly won't pay a $29 tax.

"Well the reason I raised you kids in Sri Lanka is that Daddy went on a trip. And when I tried to go home they wanted me to pay them to leave! So I said, no, this is where I will live now. I'll show them that I won't be bullied into paying them an exit tax! I'll live here forever...and pay sales, property, and income tax. Ahhh!!! I can't win!"

So we paid. And we're back.
Other countries can learn that this is the way to tax.

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