Friday, June 28, 2013

Why am I a Vegetarian?

The short answer is this:
I can't un-know, what I now know.

After reading several books like Omnivore's Dilemma, Fast Food Nation, and Eating Animals, I've learned too much. It's clear that the deaths of the animals is the least disturbing part of the system. It's the lives of torture that are really troubling.

I won't get into the details now, that will be for another day.

And I understand why people don't want to hear the details or read the books. Once you go down the rabbit hole of seeing where the food we eat comes from, it's hard to ever climb out. Meat eaters can be told how bad our treatment of animals is. Vegetarians can be told how cruelly we procure milk and eggs. Vegans can be told that they should only be dumpster diving.

For now, I'll be a vegetarian.
And I'll leave the rest of the rabbit hole for another day.

And now:

A Random Song of Joy

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