Friday, December 11, 2009

Why is it so easy to accept that there are no atheists in foxholes?

If you're like me, a cowardly, Northeastern Liberal Elite, who believes in saving the world but is afraid to stick my own neck out, then this is a hypothetical situation. But it's pretty easy to postulate that if I was in a war zone alone in a foxhole, I would ask god for help, or at least a virgin when I got up there.

Religious people often use this analogy to say that we all see the reality and meaning of god in moments of crises and that it is our day to day life where we walk blind. They say that in the mundane moments of the day, say at the dinner table, in the bedroom, on the toilet, that we don't see god in those moments. But that when we're overwhelmed by a tragedy, or a hurricane or yes a bullet, that in those moments we both see the power of god and realize that we need god.

But an Athiest could use those same extreme moments of distress as proof that there is no god. An Athiest might say that yes, in a foxhole, facing gunfire and death, that many people may believe in god. But an Athiest would argue that is because in that situation someone is no longer capable of thinking or behaving rationally. That in such an irrational situation, it is rational to think irrationally, i.e. that there is a god.

So while religious people would say that god is the truth and that it sometimes takes irrational occurences to wake someone up to the truth of god in the mundane everyday life. Athiests might say that only irrational situations will make people believe something that is so absurd as god.

So what's interesting about the "No athiest in a foxhole" idea is that it's something that everyone can agree too, without agreeing to anything at all.

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