Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why do I steal from the rich to give to the rich?

I saw a film a couple nights ago and decided to buy a child's ticket at a discount of $3.50 off the regular price. Usually I have strong moral feelings about stealing, even small stealing like this from a major company; in other words, seemingly harmless stealing.

But the other night I felt morally justified in buying a discounted ticket because I bought a bucket of popcorn for $6.50 that I wouldn't have otherwise. The reason that I say I stole from the rich and gave to the rich, was that by doing this I was taking money from the film distributor's and giving it to the theater.

Film distributors get the vast majority of the money from ticket sales, sometimes as high as 100%. This is why film theaters charge so much for popcorn and soda, that's where they make all their money. So in buying a discounted ticket but an expensive popcorn, I was taking money from the film distributors, and giving it to the theater.

So in a way, I felt like I was stealing from my local theater, in order to help my local theater. I just hope they appreciate my efforts.

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