Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why Don't I Care about George Zimmerman?

This weekend George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the murder, or manslaughter, of 17-year-old unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin. This story is a tragedy on many levels, and a young boy should not have lost his life.

But I don't care about George Zimmerman because he is just one man, and the problems with America's Justice System are institutional and nationwide.

I care about the fact that in the richest country in the world we have the highest incarceration rate in the world, and over 2.2 million prisoners.

I care that 20% of Federal Prisoners are there for non-violent drug offenses.

I care that even though Blacks and Whites use drugs at the same rate, the rate of incarceration for drug use is 10 to 1.

So I don't really care about George Zimmerman, one guy who arguably got away with a crime.
I care about the millions of Trayvon Martins whose lives are destroyed by a prison state that never gives them a fair chance.

And now Today's:


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