Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's that Song that Every Orchestra Plays?

When I was a kid I remember occasionally going to see an orchestra play and always having the same thought:
Why do they always begin with that same boring song? 

You know the one. Where the instruments seem completely out of sync with each other. They create almost a haze of messy sound in slow lingering notes. I kept asking myself why they began with such a terrible song, even for classical music.
I realized at an embarrassing age what I was listening to:
They were tuning their instruments.

I felt pretty dumb once I realized.
But as I've gotten older I've come back to my childhood opinion that musicians are wasting my time.
Why do they have to tune in front of the audience?
When I perform in a play I don't do my vocal warm ups on stage.
When I perform stand up I don't practice silly faces in front of the crowd.

So get it together musicians.
I'm sick of hearing that boring song!

And now today's:


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