Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do the Palestinians and Israelis both think they're David fighting Goliath?

The answer is, they are both David.

The way the Palestinians frame it they are David against Israel's Goliath. And they're right. Israel has a huge standing army as well as modern weaponry and a strong strategic advantage over them.

The way the Israelis frame it they are the David against the Goliath of the entire Arab world. And they're right. They're literally surrounded by neighboring Arab countries who have various degrees of dislike and/or hatred for Israel. They're outnumbered, surrounded, and feel under siege.

The problem with these mentalities is that the conversation never goes anywhere.

Both sides say they're the underdog, that they're under attack, and that therefore they shouldn't have to make any concessions.

I went to a debate a week ago and heard the first new idea I've heard about this conflict in a while. A two-state solution, but with a twist, the Palestinian state has to let Jews live there.

A Palestinian state could be drawn encompassing the West Bank and Gaza and Jewish settlers that live there now could stay and have full rights as part of the new Palestinian State. In the same way, any Palestinians who are drawn into the borders of Israel can live in Israel with the full rights of citizens. It seems like a simple solution that I don't see why I've never heard it before.

So everybody stop complaining about being the underdog and make this thing happen!

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