Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Drones, huh, yeah, what are they good for?

Yesterday, Jan 7th, 2013, an American drone strike in Northern Pakistan killed at least 8 suspected militants and possibly an Al Qaeda operative, according to the Associated Press.
If you haven't heard about drones before, they are unmanned planes that fly amongst the clouds and drop precision bombs from the sky.
Basically metal birds with explosive diarrhea.

Are they the best or the worst way to fight terrorists?
You could argue that they are the best because no Americans are in harm's way, their strikes are more precise than all previous technology, and there is less collateral damage than in a ground war.
You could argue that they are the worst because there is almost total secrecy around them, we use them in countries with which we are not at war, and the collateral damage they cause breeds chaos and hostility.
Like Dickens said,
"It was the best of Drones, it was the worst of Drones."

But however you feel about Drones you should know that Obama uses them regularly.
Obama has used drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.
Obama has killed an American born citizen with a drone strike.
Obama has carried out more drone strikes than George W. Bush.

I'm not saying that there are any easy answers with these issues.
I'm saying these are interesting and hard issues that we must grapple with.
Just like that old song says, we have to ask ourselves:
"Drones, huh, yeah, what are they good for?"


Katie Perry said...

Drones, hmm, maybe, who's our government a threat too?

Great Post Mauser Davies, here's my thoughts. As long as they are not used in the American revolution of 2013 against the American people, then maybe.

If some college kids can hack/spoof them again, maybe we can use them to our advantage.

I'm not sure our military leaders are responsible enough to not abuse such power. All they gotta do is put a missile up Korea's butthole and next thing you know, me and you are being drafted into WW!!!

Keep blogging on your your blog blogger!

Katie Perry

Andrew S Davies said...

Thanks for the thoughts Katie Perry! Didn't know I was being followed by a celebrity and that they cared about drone strikes!
I'm not 100% sure about all the actions you're referring to in your statements so it's hard for me to respond to the specifics.
But thanks for reading and keep posting!